Thursday, January 4, 2007

Cat attacks mouse. Owner fumes.

I woke up this morning to find that our cat had chewed through my mouse cord, rendering my computer impotent. I mention this solely because I'm pissed. Really pissed. So pissed that even the humorous irony of a cat killing a computer "mouse" only brings a faint smile. So L (my lovely wife) and I bought a new mouse and some of that foul-tasting bitter stuff that you put on cords to prevent cats from chewing on them. Well, our kitty layed into the new mouse and almost immeadiatly chewed the cord down to bare wire. Expletive. Expletive deleted EXPLETIVE!! The mouse still works (or I wouldn't be typing this), but now I have the cord taped down in a gambit to deter our monumentally stupid cat. And what, the non-existant reader may ask, does this have to do with 50's sci-fi filmmaking? Well... the cat's name is Video. After Captain Video. We're thinking of changing it to Expletive.

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